Sunday, 9 August 2020

Winter Rose

Having painted this rose, I was floundering over a piece of poem I was trying to write which I had titled "Frozen Love".

But inspiration is scarce today and so I've borrowed this beautiful piece of verse written by Hannah Flagg Gold called "Winter Rose".

Till inspiration flows once again, I'm happy to let Ms Flagg talk about how memory kept in bloom the rose that had brightened the bleak winter days....

Here's the poem.

O, why do I hold thee, my fair, only rose,
My bright little treasure—so dear;
And love thee a thousand times better than those,
In thousands, that lately were here?

Because, like a friend, when the many depart,
As fortune's cold storms gather round,
Till all from without chills the desolate heart,
My sweet winter-flower, thou art found!

Because that for me thou hast budded and blown,
I look with such fondness on thee;
That, while I've no other, I call thee my own,
And feel thou art living for me.

I know thee. I've studied thy delicate form,
Till reared from the root to the flower,
That opens to-day, in a season of storm!
To brighten so dreary an hour.

How could I so lavishly scatter my sight
On those, that the gay summer-sun
Had nursed with his beams, when I find such delight
In having and loving but one?

And while thou dost modestly blush at the praise,
That thus I in secret bestow,
It heightens thy beauty, and only can raise
The strain, high and higher to flow.

Although thou must droop, as our dearest ones will,
I'll tenderly watch thy decline;
And, in thy sad moments, I'll cherish thee still,
Because thou hast cheered me in mine.

Then, hallowed like dust of a friend in the tomb,
I'll lay thy pale leaves safe away,
Where memory often shall give them the bloom
That brightened my dark winter day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful painting and so is the verse by Ms Hannah Flagg
    Metaphorical winter rose is so well painted to echo perfectly with the mood of the poem

  3. Loved the painting and the poem by Hannah Flagg. Thanks for this beautiful poem

  4. Amazing...poem and beautiful painting

  5. Your strokes have captured the winter harshness and the beauty of rose aptly.


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